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Li-Pol universal alarm, 2S-3S, Turnigy

Universal alarm for Li-Pol batteries with 2 (7.4V) and 3 (11.1V) cells. Electronics recognizes the risk threshold subliminal discharge of single Li-Pol battery (heavy discharge of Li-Pol leads to the destruction of cells!).

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6,20 € incl. VAT

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Universal alarm for Li-Pol batteries with 2 (7.4V) and 3 (11.1V) cells. Electronics recognizes the risk threshold subliminal discharge of single Li-Pol battery (heavy discharge of Li-Pol leads to the destruction of cells!). The alarm is connected to the battery via the service connector. Once the voltage drops below 3.3V risk hranici the article and alert you with a loud acoustic signal and a red LED. Using alarm extends battery life and increases the safety of its use. Alarm keep connected only when you are using battery in case of storage disconnect it!

Dimensions: 38x20x10 mm
Weight: 5g
Indication Accuracy: 0.03V
Border tensions to trigger a signal: 3.3V per cell or less

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