AirsoftGuns YouTube: AEP Glock 18C, Cyma CM 030, review and shooting test
13. 10. 2017Do you like a short AEP pistols? We bring you a short video with controls, proper manipulation and a shotgun test of the pistol Glock 18C AEP, Cyma, CM 030.

Replica of Glock 18C from CYMA in AEP design, which is an alternative to GAS models. The weapon is largely made of high quality ABS plastic in two colors (black or sand). The gun is powered by a small battery with a voltage of 7.2V and works practically the same way as the big guns of the category of AEG. This airsoft model is at first glance almost indistinguishable from the gun's masterpiece and features a characteristic side mode dial that is so typical for the 18C version.
The delivered magazine for the gun is metallic with a total capacity of 30 bullets. In weapons can be used extended magazine with capacity of 100 BB, which is made of plastic. A weapon is a great choice for short range combat or as a backup weapon becouse of its shooting parameters. The replica reaches a muzzle velocity of about 65 m/s and the theoretical gun-reach is therefore 30 m.